
Saturday, July 26, 2008


I know it should be difficult for me to recount this particular issue. My longtime affair with a lady whom I have known intimately for many years and whom I find it virtually impossible to let go of despite my marriage to Stacey. I know my feelings toward her are not considered the norm and some will chastise me for the way she and I spend so much time alone together in the wild places. She has a lithe grace and beauty that instantly catches the eye. Although small and light she has a strong back and firm belly. The feel of her in my hands is one of those rare moments when a man feels complete and utter delight. I admit freely that she and I have shared the same bed role on more than one occasion, for countless hours she and I have stared at the stars and talked of the next days hunt and how we will approach our prey. Being alone so much with her has allowed me to realize just how much I depend on her and how far this relationship has blossomed over the years. To see her graceful curves in the mountain sunshine would be the envy of any man, or woman for that matter. I should never have written these words down for fear of repercussion from my friends and family, but somehow the act of telling it all is liberating to my soul. She is a far better hunter than I; she never fails to bring down an elk or deer with one well-placed shot. I have seen her leaning against an aspen tree with elk blood smeared across her hard body and across her graceful limbs, and marveled at the wild beauty of her. What is it about a man that allows us to fall into this kind of a deception? Stacey must have known. I have seen the jealousy in her eyes as I leave on some wild encounter and I am forced to leave her behind, But each time I am alone with my wild lady I fall right back into the same old behavior. I am riddled with guilt each time she and I come together for some wild and untamed encounter, yet I always find myself longing to be with her. I have even stooped so low as to think of her when in the arms of my wife. I have been thankful for her small and graceful body as I carried her on my back straight up a steep mountain where we spent four days chasing elk above timberline. She has waited for hours and even days beside me for whitetail deer in a tree stand. Both of us were covered with frost and freezing when the old buck finally showed up. She is always in my thoughts when she is not lying smoothly against my hands. I would never have thought that I was capable of such deceit and would have never believed my passion for another would take up so much of my time from my faithful wife. Recently Stacey found out about my true feelings for my wild girl, and admitted that she has known for years about us. To my surprise, she actually confessed about an attraction she has of her own, she went into great detail describing his shape, strength and endless possibilities in her hands. I am not sure why but after hearing her passion for this I felt compelled to help her find her new beau, or should I say BOW. Yes, my longtime affair has been with my own BOW, Her name is “Wild Lady” and I have spent nearly as much time with her as with my wife. And yes, Stacey loves her too, although she will not allow her to share our bed “YET”. She does allow her to hang next to the bed wearing her finest mountain lion skin case. Hawk A/ho


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Hawk: My, my, a secrete affair. I thought that it was your horse until you took it to bed and it had gotten bloody. Very nicely done hawk. I do enjoy your humor in this post. Keep both your ladies safe and close.

Sandy said...

I just knew you had to be speaking of your bow. I really like that photograph.

abb said...

What a great play on words! Expertly written.

Tom Sorenson said...

I love that - Stacey won't let her into the bed YET! Made me smile! For your own safety, I wouldn't push it!

Lloyd Ryan Beere said...

A/ho sir... good post your lucky to have such two great ladies in your life...