
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

  Part three.......The longtooth cat has been hunting this area all its life. Over a period of many years he has learned that humans are mostly easy prey. As long as the stalk is silent and the kill swift there is not much chance of the human hunter coming out on top in a fight. Carefully the cat moves through the dense forest, every muscle taught as a bowstring under his perfectly camouflaged hide. He circles effortlessly downwind of a now dying fire trying to pick up the scent of the hunter he narrowly missed during the storm last night. Crouching low the fierce predator used the shadows of early evening to conceal his lithe form as he closes the distance to only a few yards and readies for the pounce and kill near the fire.

The hunter now dry from the fire  and well fed from a rabbit he killed with his atlatl  is having a hard time staying awake. It took most of the day to make some more darts to replace the ones he lost in the river and dry out his clothing. His eyes close for a moment and instantly dreams of a warm lodge and an even warmer wife fill his thoughts.

The cat smells the familiar scent of the hunter and quietly growls in participation of the kill to come, he raises from the shadows and leaps straight for the bison skin clad prey at the fires edge....... Part four tomorrow

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